[O] Coaching Theories

Coaching Theories

Coaching training programme presentations


Coaching: In appreciating others’ words and actions, so do we increase value within our relationships.

Coaching in the light of Appreciative Mindset is the basis of generativity in three senses [1]:

  • first, as a deep awareness of the complex potential for interpreting the nature and value of words or actions;
  • second, as the affirming of meaning and value of words or actions; and,
  • third, as adding to the meaning and value of words or actions.

Impact to Individuals through AI Coaching

Appreciative Mindset articulates the Appreciative Intelligence.

Appreciative Intelligence leads to four qualities in individuals:

  • persistence; Persistence or perseverance is the ability to stick with a project or problem to its fruitful completion and is influenced by high self-esteem. Overall, people with high self-esteem are more likely to see the presence of alternatives toward their underlying goal, even when faced with failure.
  • conviction that one’s actions matter;
  • tolerance for uncertainty; The highly creative ideas and actions that individuals with high Appreciative Intelligence routinely pursue create uncertainty or ambiguity. Beyond tolerating their own uncertainty, they help other people deal with uncertainty, often by reframing situations to help them see what is positive, how the future could unfold from the present and by encouraging persistence until the unknown becomes known;
  • irrepressible resilience – the ability to bounce back from a difficult situation.


  • My realization is that the “hardware” of governance cannot be functional unless the “software” (the relationship atmosphere) is conducive and mutually trustful.
  • Appreciative Inquiry is, by its practice and principles, an inclusive undertaking.

Source [1]: aip12aug-inclusive-spaces-intro.pdf

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