The 3rd training workshop of project MAVEP – Managing Volunteers/Empowering people was held in Patras, from Monday April 2nd to Wednesday April 4th, 2019.
All project partners from Denmark, Greece and Belgium, worked there for three days on the theme of “talent management” with volunteers in the framework of the MAVEP project.
After a training on coaching in Aarhus, and one on lifelong learning in Turnhout, it was Patras’ turn to be the backdrop for a 3-day round of talent among volunteers. The Dafni-Kek offices in the middle of the city would be our “training center” for the next three days.
In a Learning Community, everyone is an equal participant and there is no predefined content. You will look for answers and thinking frameworks in groups and on the basis of learning questions, documentation and your own experience to work on later.
No sooner said than done, we worked intensively for 3 days on talent in volunteering. What is talent, why do you want to focus on talent in a volunteer organization and how do you focus talent? Sturdy discussions, occasional frustration and a few eureka moments interspersed with inspiring site visits, local specialties and the discovery of a sunny city, the summary of the cooperation on Greek soil.

Dissemination material
Our Training Week
In the attachment below you can find the schedule of our training week in Patras.
The program is structured in a way to allow the participants to learn both via formal (e.g. lecture) and non-formal (e.g. study visits) ways.
Feel free to be inspired in order to organise a likely activity.
Here you can find parts of the materials used and presented in the meeting
During this meeting we visited two different organisations that deal with volunteering for different reasons:
1. Women’s Association: A volunteer organisation that provides free workshops for middle-aged/retired women
2. Patra’s Archaelogical Museum: Organises outreach events with the help of volunteer organisations